Lei Lady Lei

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The Weekend Reset

The weekend is the perfect time to reset.

The majority of my weekends are made up of blogging, shooting content, editing and writing, plus catching up with friends. There isn't much time left to relax and when I do, I stress about the blogging that needs to get done.

However this past long weekend I allowed myself time to do nothing and it was a worth while change. We escaped to the farm and the entire weekend was made up of family time, reading and toasting marshmallows.

Sometimes stepping away from your busy life even for a few hours brings perspective and allows you to decide what is important. Now back in the city, I feel rejuvenated, motivated and ready to plunge straight back into the blog. I realised that it's not worth stressing over thingsinstead I've planned out my weeks and weekends ahead so they allow time for rest as well as blogging and catch-ups.

I have lots of exciting posts and collaborations coming up that I can’t wait to share with you including some video content which is very new for me!

Lei xx